San Juan College (SJC) will celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day in April, and everyone is welcome.

The SJC Cinematheque Series invites you to a free Earth Day presentation of Plastic Earth on April 22, at 6 p.m. in the Connie Gotsch Theatre. This groundbreaking documentary, narrated by comedian and producer Rob Riggle, explores the urgent need to address the global plastic crisis and showcases innovative technologies and visionary solutions that offer hope for a sustainable future.
Preceding the documentary is a free family event at 5 p.m. in the Connie Gotsch courtyard and lobby that includes food from around the world, live music, and the unveiling of an interactive, mobile “Music Wall” comprised of homemade/recycled instruments that all can play. Then, in celebration of Arbor Day, SJC and the San Juan College Foundation invite you to plant a free tree! The annual SJC Arbor Day Tree Giveaway starts at 8 a.m. on Friday, April 26, at the SJC Outdoor Learning Center.
The first Arbor Day occurred in April 1872 in Nebraska City, Nebraska, and is now celebrated in all 50 states. “Arbor Day represents a hope for the future,” according to the Arbor Day Foundation. “The simple act of planting a tree represents a belief that the tree will grow to provide us with clean air and water, cooling shade, habitat for wildlife, healthier communities, and endless natural beauty – all for a better tomorrow.”
Some 1,000 tree seedlings will be available on a first-come, first-served basis at the SJC Arbor Day Tree Giveaway. Choose from several oak and apple varieties, European plum, Cedar of Lebanon, Yellowwood and more. Experts will be on hand to provide information on tree planting and care.