Thanks to the voter approved local obligation bond in 2022.

San Juan College Henderson Performance Hall and Connie Gotsch Theatre are undergoing renovations to enhance the venues’ capabilities and ensure a safer and more seamless experience for performers and audiences alike.
The Henderson Theatre is set for a complete overhaul of the rigging, while the Connie Gotsch Theatre benefits from new, fire-retardant curtains. Both improvements will enhance safety for backstage crews, theatre techs and performers.
San Juan College’s dedicated team of theater technicians are meticulously planning and preparing to ensure that the upgrades are seamlessly integrated. The behind-the-scenes work is largely invisible, but the tech team’s expertise and commitment to upholding the highest standards in theatrical production are paramount.
The Henderson Theatre will temporarily close on January 9th to facilitate the rigging installation and improvements, which are expected to take approximately two to three weeks. The Connie Gotsch will remain open with work scheduled around upcoming events.
San Juan College extends its gratitude to the community for continued support of the fine and performing arts. The improvements underway will benefit a thriving arts scene for years to come.