At San Juan College, Success Matters, and graduate Seth Herring is living proof.

Herring is a 2005 graduate of Aztec High School and will graduate May 11 from San Juan College with hisAssociate of Instrumentation, Control, and Electrical Technology degree. He starts work May 28 as a Manufacturing Technician at Intel in Rio Rancho, NM.
The journey has not always been easy, but it has been worth it. Herring says he is living “a dream come true, finishing college and having a job waiting.” Herring secured a job offer from Intel following the company’s visit to San Juan College for an information session and hiring fair. He had no expectations of receiving a job offer but believed visiting with Intel representatives would be good practice for job interviews after graduation. Intel liked what they saw, and in December of 2023 offered Herring a position to start May 28, with a relocation package and sign-on bonus.
After completing high school, Herring spent some 15 years working in various low-paying jobs with limited prospects for career progression. He admits that he didn’t apply himself or put much effort into his education until he was inspired by a childhood friend who graduated from San Juan College. At that point, he took the first step, beginning a life-changing journey at SJC.
Herring credits the SJC TRIO program as a large part of his success. San Juan College offers four TRIO programs that empower students to succeed personally and academically. TRIO students are first-generation college students and or students who meet low income qualifications. “Tomasita at TRIO was a lifesaver,” says Herring, adding that she helped him immensely through the enrollment and financial aid processes.
Key to Herring's Success
Another key to Herring’s success was his ability to live on campus in Nízhóní Sunrise Suites, as he was living in a camper in Aztec and did not have a means of transportation to campus. Herring lived on campus, applied, and was accepted as a Resident Assistant at Housing. He calls the experience
gratifying and likened his role to that of a big brother to fellow students.
Herring has nothing but good things to say about SJC, pointing out that all his instructors have been great and all willing to give 100% to help students. “SJC is truly different than other colleges when it comes to support from instructors,” says Herring, adding, “The small class sizes mean you are going to get the help and support you need and never be left behind.” He says his instructors “feel more like family than teachers.”
When asked about advice for others who may have been told “college isn’t for you,“ Herring says that simply is not true. He believes being successful
at college “has very little to do with intelligence and everything to do with effort.” His success tips include treating college like a job, creating a steady daily routine with dedicated times for study and homework, believing in yourself, and finding others to encourage you along the way.
Herring is excited about his new career and the many opportunities that San Juan College has brought him, stating, “It’s not as hard as you think; anyone can come here and be successful.”