San Juan College (SJC) TeachUp Academy is thriving and making a difference in our community, thanks to the continued support of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF).

In close collaboration with partnering districts/schools, TeachUp Academy was born in August of 2023 and has the active participation of over 150 teachers. Its primary objective is to provide training and ongoing support to local school mentors to enhance teacher retention and increase student literacy rates.
“TeachUp Academy is a vital step toward ensuring our educators have the support they need to thrive in their roles,” says Elizabeth Utley, Senior Director of Teacher Education at SJC, “With the involvement of mentors who are deeply committed to the success of new teachers, we are building a stronger foundation for education in our community.”
The Academy provides ongoing professional learning for mentors and mentees and is made possible through a generous grant of $300,000 from the Kellogg Foundation. The two-year grant provides financial support of $150,000 allocated for each year.
Mentors receive support throughout the school year as they guide new teachers through the instructional improvement process. Mentees benefit from access to a trained mentor teacher for two years and participation in summer workshops. The mentors are pivotal in nurturing new teachers, candidates for the Alternative Licensure Program (ALP), and long-term substitutes during their critical first years of teaching.