Encore students hiking

Humanities through Encore

San Juan College's Encore program offers a variety of humanities courses to suit your interests.

Try your hand at writing in our Writers’ Workshop, travel virtually with Armchair Traveler, or explore different cultures. If history's your thing, we've got archaeology courses like Exploring Bear's Ears Monument. For creatives, we offer Songwriting and Penmanship and Personality. There's something for everyone at Encore.

Humanities Classes

Travel with us from the classroom as we visit Belgium and Luxembourg, the French Alps and French Pyrénées, Châteaux de la Loire, Burgundy, Provence, Dordogne region, French Polynesia, as well as the old French Colonies. We will learn basic French conversation skills and sample foods from the various regions. $15 supply fee for food sampling in class.

AGNES WALISER was born in the French speaking part of Switzerland and has rich experiences to share from her travel and work in French speaking countries. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

Cost (including supply fee): $21.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours)
$77.50 residents under 65, $211.50 non-residents

2025SP HUMA 104 E14
1/13-3/17, MON, 10 am-noon, 30th Street Education Center Room 208 (no class 1/20, 2/19)


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Everyone has a story they dream about making into a movie. Here’s an opportunity to learn the basics you need to put your idea into the industry acceptable form. From idea to logline, synopsis, actual format, slug lines, dialogue, action, and archetypes, you can translate and craft into something readable at industry standard.

JAMES COLLINS spent 4+ in California after several play ideas would no longer work on a theater stage. He studied with Syd Field, a writer of industry standard books on the subject, and Buck Henry famous writer/director. He got past the reader obstacle at a major production company (Phoenix) in the mid 80’s, getting several scripts to the pre-production.

Cost (including supply fee):
$6.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours), $62.50 residents under 65, $196.50 non-residents

2025SP HUMA 104 E25
1/13-3/17, MON, 6-8 pm, 30th Street Education Center, Room 206

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Travel with us from the classroom as we visit Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. Discover the histories and rich cultures of Central Europe and sample their foods. $15 supply fee for food sampling in class.

AGNES WALISER was born in the French speaking part of Switzerland.

Cost (including supply fee): $21.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours)
$77.50 residents under 65, $211.50 non-residents

2025SP HUMA 104 E15
1/16-3/6, THU, 10-12 pm, 30th Street Education Center, Room 208

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In a supportive atmosphere with inspiring prompts, meaningful feedback on your work and discussions on technique, style and publication, we’ll write and learn about writing. Fiction writers, creative non-fiction writers, as well as poets are welcome. Class will be offered online through Zoom; students should plan for some additional time during each week for self-paced class projects. Please provide your email and ask for your SJC login at registration.

TRAVIS WADE is an Assistant Professor of English and is the Director of the Creative Writing Program at San Juan College. He is also a former San Juan College graduate who grew up in Farmington and now resides in Aztec. He completed his Master of Fine Arts degree in Poetry and Creative Nonfiction at Chatham University in Pittsburgh, PA.

2 credit hours

Cost: $10 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours)
$122 residents under 65, $179.50 non-residents

2025SP ENGL 104 E05
1/17-3/28, FRI, 11 am-12:30 pm, Live Online (no class 3/21)

2025SU ENGL 104 E10 (registration begins 2/18)
4/11-6/13, FRI, 11 am-12:30 pm, Live Online

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The Pueblos of New Mexico share a history of accommodating Spanish influences within their traditional Native American communities, following the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. Each January, the Pueblo of San Ildefonso invites the public to Feast Day celebrations and ceremonies. Feast Day celebrations of this Tewa community honor both church and traditional observances in vespers (firelight procession), Mass and Buffalo-Deer and Comanche dances beginning at sunrise the following morning. Overnight accommodations at Buffalo Thunder Resort are recommended to maximize time at the pueblo. Throughout your visit, experience the sights and sounds of San Ildefonso, walk amongst the pueblo architecture and enjoy traditional foods. Students are responsible for overnight accommodations and meals. Please contact the instructor for additional details at swjourneys@icloud.com. Register no later than 1/15. Course fee of $59 payable at registration.

MICHAEL J. LAWSON has a Ph.D. in U.S. History (Indian History) from Arizona State University. He has been leading unique trips with local experts for over two decades.

Cost (including course fee):$65.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours)
$121.50 residents under 65, $ 255.50 non-residents

2025SP HIST104 E06
Overnight field trip: 1/22-1/23, W/TH

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Whether you’re an avid traveler or prefer exploring from home, this class offers a visual journey through New Mexico, highlighting notable women who shaped the state. We’ll explore geologic, geographic, and historic events related to over 650 historic roadside markers. The course aims to inspire travel or a deeper understanding of New Mexico’s multicultural history. While the road sign project began in 1935, it wasn’t until 2007 that the state began honoring over 70 women—artists, educators, scientists, and activists—whom we will celebrate as both well-known and unsung heroes. 

GALEN CARPENTER was a public-school teacher near Eugene, Oregon for decades and finished her career teaching at a BIE school near Gallup. She wanted to live in the Southwest since she received her first subscription to Arizona Highways when she was twelve.

Cost: $6.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours),
$62.50 residents under 65, $196.50 non-residents

2025SP HIST 104 E21
1/27-3/31, Mon, 1-3 pm, 30th Street Education Center Room 208 (no classes 2/17, 3/17)

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Immerse yourself in the popular songs of the French culture. Explore the lives and music of famous French singers such as Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour, Jacques Brel, Yves Montand, Joe Dassin, Michel Sardou and more. Through songs and interviews from the featured artists (all with subtitles), deepen your appreciation for French culture—and leave humming new songs in your head.

AGNES WALISER was born in the French speaking part of Switzerland. This class takes a different cultural approach to her popular Armchair Traveler classes.

Cost:  $6.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours)
$62.50 residents under 65, $196.50 non-residents

2025SP HUMA 104 E18
1/30-3/27, THU, 1-3 pm, 30th Street Education Center Room 208 (no class 3/20)

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Music enriches our community, and under the leadership of Music Director Thomas Heuser, the San Juan Symphony’s concert season is sure to delight. Discover the beauty of music where once you only heard sound and appreciate your symphony experience as never before, with a knowledgeable and enthusiastic guide. Rediscover old musical favorites and deepen your understanding with cultural information and pre-concert symphony talks. For information on the San Juan Symphony’s 2024-2025 schedule and tickets, visit sanjuansymphony.org. Students should purchase symphony tickets on their own.

LEVI BROWN has a Bachelor’s degree from Fort Lewis College in Music Performance, Piano, and has performed numerous times in the San Juan Symphony on violin.

Cost: $6.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours)
$62.50 residents under 65, $196.50 non-residents

2025SP MUSI 104 E14
2/6, 2/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/10, THU, 6-8 pm, 30th Street Education Center Room 206
San Juan Symphony Pre-Concert Talks & Concerts: 2/23, 4/6, SUN

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What can you tell from someone’s handwriting? How valid and reliable is it? What are the methodologies used to analyze handwriting? How do we differentiate between popular graphology and empirical personality assessment from handwriting? Explore the relationship between handwriting and personality as you learn to identify and evaluate basic handwriting characteristics that relate to personality, while appreciating the challenges of developing an empirical handwriting psychology.

MARK REDDY holds a Master’s degree in the Psychology of Handwriting and has conducted primary research in the handwriting of suicides and worked professionally as a handwriting analyst, testifying in court as a forensic handwriting specialist. Over the years Mark has presented many classes and workshops on various aspects of handwriting at schools, colleges and professional handwriting conferences.

Cost: $6.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours),
$62.50 residents under 65, $196.50 non-residents

2025SP HUMA 104 E10
2/25-4/22, TUE, 1-3 pm, 30th Street Education Center, Room 208 (no class 3/18)

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World religions share fundamental truths as well as differences that arise from the time and place of their origins. Enhance your knowledge of faith traditions by learning about their founders, their lives and times, their essential teachings, and some parallels and interconnections, as well as contrasts and differences between the traditions they established, in Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and the Baha’i Faith. 

MARK REDDY has studied comparative religion and has presented many workshops, classes, and study sessions on world religions.

Cost: $6.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours),
$62.50 residents under 65, $196.50 non-residents

2025SP HIST 104 E02
2/25-4/22, TUE, 10 am-12 pm, 30th Street Education Center Room 208 (no class 3/18)

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You probably love many songs that were written by everyday people like you. Discover the magic of songwriting and self-expression through the transformative process of crafting experiences, journal entries, and hopeful dreams. Non-musicians and musicians are welcome. Bring your excitement, courage, and perseverance. Once you learn a basic writing process, knowing song forms and functions, you’ll have skills to write memorable songs.

JAMES COLLINS spent 22 years in Nashville, studying with top songwriters. He played in many almost famous bands, studied music at Florida State University, and has written several classical pieces. He holds a B.A. in Arts & Letters from the University of South Florida.

Cost: $6.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours)
$62.50 residents under 65, $196.50 non-residents

2025SP MUSI 104 E10
3/24-5/5, MON, 6-8 pm, 30th Street Education Center, Room 208


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Travel with us from the classroom as we cruise along the main Rivers of Europe. Visit the cities and villages along the Rhine, Rhone, Loire, Danube and more. Learn useful tips about various European cruise lines in a relaxed, fun and interactive environment.

AGNES WALISER was born in the French speaking part of Switzerland.

Cost (including supply fee): $21.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours),
$77.50 residents under 65, $211.50 non-residents

2025SP HUMA 104 E12
3/13-5/8, THU, 10 am-noon, 30th Street Education Center, Room 208 (no class 3/20)

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Explore the past and present of the Zuni people from their voices and arts & crafts demonstrations. Visit Zuni artisans in their homes or workshops to learn of the traditions and meanings behind creating jewelry, pottery and fetishes. Discover the Zuni Arts & Crafts cooperative and engage managers at various retail locations about raw materials and trade. Experience the winter and summer ceremonial murals in the Old Zuni Mission Church (ca. 1670s), which is now open for visitation linked to a preservation fund. Walk among the Pueblo village architecture and sample their traditional foods.  For overnight accommodations, we’ve booked the historic Inn at Halona, a bed and breakfast located in the heart of Zuni, offering a “genuine cultural discovery in a welcoming yet private, unique setting.” Students are responsible for all education discounted interpretive fees, accommodations, and meals for this two-day field trip. Please contact the instructor for additional details at swjourneys@icloud.com. Register no later than 2/28.  
Course fee of $59 payable at registration.

MICHAEL J. LAWSON has a Ph.D. in U.S. History (Indian History) from Arizona State University. He has been leading unique trips with local experts for over two decades.

Cost (including course fee): $65.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours),
$121.50 residents under 65, $255.50 non-residents

2025SP HIST 104 E11
3/14- 3/16, FRI/SAT/SUN, two-night field trip

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Travel with us from the classroom as we explore Spain, Italy, Austria, Hungary, the Netherlands, Greece, Scandinavian countries and more. Discover the rich culture, history and geography of these countries. No previous classes required. $15 supply fee for food sampling in class.

AGNES WALISER was born in the French speaking part of Switzerland. This class expands upon her popular French for the Armchair Traveler classes.

Cost (including supply fee): $21.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours)
$77.50 residents under 65, $211.50 non-residents

2025SP HUMA 104 E20
3/24-5/12, MON, 10 am-noon, 30th Street Education Center, Room 208

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Explore the red sandstone walls of Taawa Canyon Petroglyphs Park (rock art) alongside an exceptional and required Hopi guide. At Taawa, several prominent solstice makers are identified amid the thousands of petroglyphs left by the ancestral Hopi. Experience Hopi people, learn about their past and present from their own voices, art and artifacts; walk among the pueblo village architecture; and sample their traditional foods. Visit the Hopi Museum, the ancient village of Walpi, and stay overnight at the Hopi Cultural Center Inn located on Second Mesa in scenic north-central Arizona. Students are responsible for education-discounted Hopi interpretive fees, accommodations, and meals for this immersive introduction to Hopi culture. Please contact the instructor for additional details at swjourneys@icloud.com. Register no later than 3/21.
Course fee of $59.00 payable at registration.

MICHAEL J. LAWSON has a Ph.D. in U.S. History (Indian History) from Arizona State University. He has been leading unique trips with local experts for over two decades.

Cost (including course fee): $62.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours),
$121.50 residents under 65, $255.50 non-residents

2025SP HIST 104 E04
4/4-4/6, FRI/SAT/SUN, two-night field trip

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Experience one of the newest and most controversial national monuments in the nation up close and personal. This semester’s class will focus on both front-country and back country areas within the original or “restored” Bear’s Ears National Monument and provide the student with information needed to explore further on their own. Three days and two nights in this spectacular area will put you in touch with monumental vistas and provide information about a variety of natural and cultural landscapes.  Learn the low-impact, responsible way to recognize, visit, and monitor fragile archaeological sites. Mini workshops on artifact identification, site recognition and site preservation will be included. Class size is limited to 9 due to backcountry sensitivity. Since this class has been held before, the field trip will be geared to introduce some new areas to class participants and provide a variety of opportunities to engage with the landscape. The final management plan for the “restored” monument should be out by September so there will likely be new guidelines to be aware of when we visit. Register no later than 8/1 so that adequate room reservations can be made at the Recapture Lodge in Bluff. The instructor will reserve a block of rooms. Four-wheel-drive or high-clearance vehicles are needed. Please ask for the class handout with additional information at registration. $39 course fee payable at registration. 

KRISTIE ARRINGTON is a retired archaeologist from the Bureau of Land Management with over 33 years of experience in the Four Corners area. She is currently the owner of Two Dog Cultural Resource Management Services, an archaeological and historic preservation consulting firm located in Aztec.

Cost (including course fee): $45.50 residents 65 and (first 10 credit hours)
$101.50 residents under 65, $235.50 non-residents

2025SP ANTH 104 E06
4/14, MON, 6-8:30 pm, 30th Street Education Center, Room 206
4/16-4/18, WED/THU/FRI, two-night field trip

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Travel with us from the classroom as we visit Belgium and Luxembourg, the French Alps and French Pyrénées, Châteaux de la Loire, Burgundy, Provence, Dordogne region, French Polynesia, as well as the old French Colonies. We will learn basic French conversation skills and sample foods from the various regions. $15 supply fee for food sampling in class.

AGNES WALISER was born in the French speaking part of Switzerland.

Cost (including supply fee): $21.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours)
$77.50 residents under 65, $211.50 non-residents

2025SP HUMA 104 E14
1/13-3/17, MON, 10 am-noon, 30th Street Education Center Room 208
(no class 1/20, 2/19)

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Gather to write, talk about writing, and share writing with each other.

  • Have you always wanted to write but didn’t know where to start? This class is for you.
  • Do you have a half-finished novel for which you need inspiration to finish? This class is for you.
  • Do you write but wonder if your writing is any good, or want suggestions on how to make it better or publishable? This is your class.

TRACI HALES is a retired San Juan College professor of writing.

Cost: $6.50 residents 65 and older (first 10 credit hours)
$57.50 residents under 65, $169.50 non-residents

2024SU ENGL 104 E22 (registration begins 2/21)
1/23-3/13, TUE, 1-3 pm, 30th Street Education Center Room 206

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Phone: (505) 566-3214

30th Street Education Center
3401 E. 30th St. | SJC 2nd Floor Entrance

M-F 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.